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Baby on board

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Men Having Babies surrogacy conference highlights resources for gay male couples MELISSA WHITLER | NBCU Fellow Melissa@DallasVoice.com For same-sex couples, starting a family can be an exciting and complicated journey.

The organization Men Having Babies offers resources and support for those looking to go through the surrogacy process. In partnership with The Pride Center at Equality Park, Men Having Babies is hosting its sixth annual Florida Surrogacy Conference and Expo Oct.

4-5 in Wilton Manors, Fla. The event will focus on resources in the South. The Florida Surrogacy Conference will cover the medical, legal, ethical and financial aspects of surrogacy, as well as new resources now available, such as surrogacy advisor cost comparison tools.

For many, the financial aspects of surrogacy are the biggest hurdle, and the conference offers firsthand advice and tactics.

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