Music dance song record voice Gay fun

Before becoming The Weather Girls, these two tons of fun helped make Sylvester the Queen of Disco

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Pride anthem: powerhouse vocals, campy music video, disco, and deftly sexy lyrics extolling the joys of getting “absolutely soaking wet” in lust.

Yet if it seemed like Martha Wash and Izora Armstead’s voices fit gay culture like a glove, it’s only because they had years of practice as singing backup for the Queen of Disco himself: Sylvester.

Throughout the late ’70s, Wash and Armstead could be spotted in the flesh singing back up during live performances of Sylvester’s hits “You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real)” (1978) “Dance (Disco Heat)” (1978).

But the pair came together earlier in 1976 as “Two Tons o Fun” to be the official backing vocalists on Sylvester’s self-titled third album Sylvester (1977).

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