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Business focuses on trans, nonbinary community

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Tony Vedda National Chamber and Wells Fargo choose North Texas LGBT Chamber for innovative new TGX program DAVID TAFFET | Senior Staff Wells Fargo and the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce have chosen the North Texas LGBT Chamber of Commerce to produce programming especially designed for the transgender and gender nonconforming — TGX — business communities.

Among the programs planned are Pitch Your TGX Business for Success workshops and TGX Pitch Program. Transgender, nonbinary and gender expansive business owners may attend workshops to perfect their business pitch.

As part of the workshop, attendees can apply for LGBT Business Enterprise certification for free. The certification allows them to apply for loans and grants seek customers as a minority-owned business.

The Pitch Program brings together TGX business owners and corporate representatives for a mock pitch event to give business owners a chance to hear constructive feedback from business leaders on how to best pitch their company North Texas LGBT Chamber President and CEO Tony Vedda explained the importance of the pitch: “You should always have something ready,” he said. “You should always have some basic information about your business and why you are preferable over your competitors.” Have something ready, he explained, because you never know when you might meet someone who can fund your business or contract your services.

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