a recent thread on r/AskGayMen, one user asked others how many hookups they’ve had this year—specifically, how many times they performed oral sex.Or, in the words of that Reddit pollster, “How many d*cks have been in your mouth in 2023?”Subscribe to our daily newsletter for a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.Some respondents said zero, some gave four-digit tallies—no slut-shaming, folks!—and one user predicted that straight people “would literally explode” if they read the Reddit thread.Here’s a sampling of the jaw-dropping answers…“Not enough.”“Zero.
Looking to lose my virginity and everything next year, hopefully.”“Absolutely none, and I’m fine with it, lol.”“One, but a lot of times.”“One fantastic one.
My fave.”“Just my husband’s.”“If the same one is counted, many times … at least 365. If not, just one.”“Four, and one was today.
First year as a c*cksucker.”“It was the year of my first time, and I had 10 d*cks.”Austin Wolf is booked and busy and he’s got the body count to show for it.“Nineteen.