Megan and Suzanne Bauer Children’s Health hospital asks same-sex parents for biological parents rather than parents with decision-making rights DAVID TAFFET | Senior Staff Writer When her son was sick, Megan Bauer contacted her pediatrician who told her to take him to Children’s Health in Dallas.
The doctor forwarded records so mother and son were expected in the emergency room. But when Bauer checked in, the woman doing intake asked if she was the biological mother. “I asked her why she was requesting that information,” Bauer said, and the woman responded, “I see there are two women listed here.
Are you the biological mother?” Bauer said the woman wasn’t asking the question of anyone else. Heterosexual couples get divorced and remarried to others, and the biological mother doesn’t always have custody.
And adoptive parents have the right to make medical choices for their children, not those adopted children’s biological parents.