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Vaseline shows hole in one of the wildest brand tweets we’ve ever seen
top and bottom Pride Whoopers and Nutter Butter nutting all over everything.Otherwise, we can’t figure out why Vaseline—the 150+ year old brand of petroleum jelly-based products—thought they could post this and not get people riled up:A post shared by Vaseline US (@vaselinebrand)Yup, Vaseline just posted hole(s)!What was intended to be a simple social ad promoting their signature Healing Jelly became something wildly suggestive thanks to their choice of graphics: Two puckered-up donuts sitting side-by-side.It’s meant to tout the glow you can give you skin by “slugging”—a skincare practice wherein you trap moisture with an occlusive moisturizer such as Vaseline—but we can’t get over these visuals. We’re no doctors, but the wrinkles on the inside of that brown cake donut sure do make it look like… well, you get it.