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Laughing out loud

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As host of Queer Factor, Stefan Norman, right, relies on a rotating cast of queer comedians and the Butt Gay Improv troop. (Photos by Sam Brand) Local comedy show ‘Queer Factor’ celebrates one year RICH LOPEZ | Staff One night a month in Deep Ellum, Stefan Newman plays the role of host at the Dallas Comedy Club.

At Queer Factor, he introduces local queer comics for his monthly showcase, and he has just begun to dabble in stand-up himself as part of the show.

For this coming Thursday’s show on Feb. 2, Newman will have a year under his belt cultivating an impressive rotating roster of funny people right here in our own backyard.

Throughout his tenure, Newman has built a roster of some 40 local queer comedians that he can feature in Queer Factor. “Everyone on our show is an experienced performer,” he said. “Every month we usually have three to four featured performers, and we also have an improv cast of about eight to 10 performers, out of a pool of 16 who rotate in.” Stefan Norman The Feb.

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