With six weeks left in the 2023 session of the Texas Legislature, the state Senate has already passed every one of the right-wing anti-LGBTQ bills that homophobic Lt., Gov.
Dan Perry prioritized for this session, leaving their fate in the hands of the state’s GOP-controlled House of Representatives.
Angered, outraged and frightened at the advance of measures that would “restrict schools’ role in discussing the existence of LGBTQ people, block transgender kids’ access to treatments that major medical groups support, ban trans college athletes from joining the sports teams that align with their gender identity, and defund public libraries that let drag queens read to children (as per Texas Tribune), several hundred LGBTQ Texans and their allies, of all ages, gathered in the heat of the Texas spring at noon today to march from the corner of Martin Luther King Jr.
Boulevard and Colorado Street to the Texas Capitol. Amid a see of rainbow Pride flags, trans Pride flags, leather Pride flags and more, Equality Texas CEO Ricardo Martinez encouraged those attending to keep the pressure on Texas lawmakers to stop these bills from passing, reminding marchers that they don’t have to come to Austin to communicate with their senators and representatives.