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Stage Notes: Reviews of Broadway Dallas’ ‘Funny Girl,’ Resolute’s ‘The Way He Looks at You’

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The national tour of ‘Funny Girl’ is now playing at Music Hall by Broadway Dallas. (Photos by Matthew Murphy) Stage Notes is a weekly aggregate post about theater, classical music and stage news, events, reviews and other pertinent information.

Season announcements came in hot and heavy this week. Stage Notes Calendar Opening this week: Broadway Dallas: Funny Girl, opened Tuesday–Aug.

18. Festival of Independent Theatres: New and Improving, 7 p.m. today at Theatre Three. Festival of Independent Theatres: All Delighted People, 8 p.m.

today at Theatre Three. Fair Assembly: King Lear, today-Aug. 17 at the Latino Cultural Center. CenterStage Theatre Works: Alice by Heart, today-Aug.

The website is an aggregator of news from open sources. The source is indicated at the beginning and at the end of the announcement. You can send a complaint on the news if you find it unreliable.

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