Lichsenate"I've had this happen. Like, damn, what kind of ego makes someone determine 'if this person isn't into me, it can only be because they are not sexually attracted to my gender'?"—Thesadzombie—captainmagictrousers"Real men just rip the sandwiches in half with their own hands."—Top_Belt251"When I'm feeling extra manly, I just take a bite out of a cow and then chew on some raw wheat.
Like a man."—AmigoDelDiabla—KentuckyFriedEel"If you didn't start with it you definitely go straight into 'Fuck You' for an encore, while maintaining contact with them the entire time, obviously."—OnlyGrimLeader—Freshrendar"I have a pink phone.
I always take my wife's old one when she upgrades. I don’t give a shit. It's in a case anyway. I work construction, no one has ever said anything.
I also use my wife's pink flowery coffee mugs sometimes if mine is dirty. If the color of your phone is the only thing standing between you and unbridled homosexuality, um, I got some news for you."—youvegotnail—folieplease"Nothing is more manly than skin cancer!!!"—TexacoRandom—BigJiggies"Who the fuck doesn't like dessert?"–amxorca—placeholderNull"My father was a Marine drill instructor in the '50s.