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Gemma Collins on surprise friendship of Hollywood star: 'She's my sister'

Gemma Collins has unveiled her unlikely friendship with a Hollywood A-lister as she insisted the duo are like "real life sisters" but also added that she was 'obsessed' with the actress.The TOWIE star, 43, got to meet her 'idol' Rebel Wilson, 44, on Monday night after her show at the London Palladium. Gemma, who recently revealed details about her three weddings, shared a snap with the Aussie actress on Instagram with her 2.2 million followers, prompting fans to label them as 'sisters'.The reality TV icon has previously admitted that she's a 'huge fan' of Rebel who recently released her new book.

Kristi Noem can’t kill the puppy drama, Trump hates his crappy new nickname, Biden’s Jedi mind trick

Kit Connor’s new look and the muscle daddies on House Hunters took over everyone’s social media feeds this week, the political power players were busy doing all sorts of things while nobody was looking. Here’s just a few of the stories that you really need to know about it…WORK OF ART: Everyone is gooped and gagged over this Melania Trump and Drag Race Queen Sasha Colby viral mix-up. [Read all about it on Queerty] BYE GIRL: Republicans are so “sick & tired” of MAGA loon Marjorie Taylor Greene that they are working to sink her plan to boot House Speaker Mike Johnson.

Kristi Noem can’t kill the puppy drama, Trump hates his crappy new nickname, Biden’s Jedi mind trick

Kit Connor’s new look and the muscle daddies on House Hunters took over everyone’s social media feeds this week, the political power players were busy doing all sorts of things while nobody was looking. Here’s just a few of the stories that you really need to know about it…WORK OF ART: Everyone is gooped and gagged over this Melania Trump and Drag Race Queen Sasha Colby viral mix-up. [Read all about it on Queerty] BYE GIRL: Republicans are so “sick & tired” of MAGA loon Marjorie Taylor Greene that they are working to sink her plan to boot House Speaker Mike Johnson.

Kristi Noem can’t kill the puppy drama, Trump hates his crappy new nickname, Biden’s Jedi mind trick

Kit Connor’s new look and the muscle daddies on House Hunters took over everyone’s social media feeds this week, the political power players were busy doing all sorts of things while nobody was looking. Here’s just a few of the stories that you really need to know about it…WORK OF ART: Everyone is gooped and gagged over this Melania Trump and Drag Race Queen Sasha Colby viral mix-up. [Read all about it on Queerty] BYE GIRL: Republicans are so “sick & tired” of MAGA loon Marjorie Taylor Greene that they are working to sink her plan to boot House Speaker Mike Johnson.

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