Dallas Southern Pride President Ahmad Goree Dallas Southern Pride’s annual Juneteenth Unity Celebration offers a jam-packed weekend, including a Sunday brunch honoring the late Kirk Myers-Hill MELISSA WHITLER | Dallas Voice Interneditor@dallasvoice.com Over this weekend, Dallas Southern Pride hosts its huge annual Juneteenth Unity Celebration.
The festivities have already begun, as academic researchers, including some from Yale, gathered June 14 to discuss the topic of men who have sex with men.
Presentations included information on HIV and STI prevention. Then today (Friday, June 16) is the Health Equity Forum at the Crowne Plaza, with keynote speakers Dr.
Laron Nelson and state Rep. Venton Jones. KenTheMan The weekend-long party officially kicks off tonight with a welcome reception at Thrive Night Club, 1015 Elm St., followed by “Houston and New Orleans Invade Dallas,” hosted by friends Nishia Da Diva and Brandon Anthony and also at Thrive.