u/SoWhatDidIMiss, 35–39 years old—u/Prince_Marth, 35–39 years old—u/free_range_celery, over 30 years old—u/roferg69, 40–44 years old—u/armh1313"Maybe you want monogamy.
Maybe you want an open relationship. Maybe you want to be single. It takes kissing a lot of frogs, and froggy situations, to determine what's best for you.
So go out, kiss a lot of men, and some frogs, and figure out what is best for you." —u/sandia312—deleted—u/PikesDad, 55–59 years old—u/FloridAsh, 35–39 years old—u/Jfathomphx, 35–39 years old—u/ianwasted30, 35–39 years old—u/Turbojugend-berserk, over 30 years old"Go on one date a week if you can afford it.
It can even be someplace cheap like a Starbucks or TGIFridays, or someplace you can sit at a bar and just chat." —u/tommyguns007—u/bswiv, 30–34 years old—u/gsousa, 35–39 years old"Find someone that bolsters you and makes up for your weaker attributes and you may complement theirs.