ABOVE: I wonder if Tarzan was a swinger? BELOW: Drag ban suffers major defeat and more ... Drag's always been & always will be constitutionally protected. (Image of Gloria Holden via vintage tear sheet) HUFF POST: A Trump-appointed judge has ruled Tennessee's anti-drag law unconstitutional — too vague.
OMG.BLOG!: Men with guts shot like they're expecting. VARIETY: Elliot Page says a famous actor threatened to fuck the (then-) lesbian out of him.
NBC NEWS: Musk's response to an anti-trans video led to a right-wing wall of resistance at Twitter, and high-level departures.
TWITTER: Mike Pence — why is he bothering?! AMAZON: Don't miss Leon Acord's new book of essays Expletives Not Deleted. (Image via Larilee)