7 in 10 transgender young adults grapple with eating disorders – an often-overlooked struggle tied to both gender identity and mental health.
Trans men are the most affected group. THIS ARTICLE FIRST APPEARED ON UNCLOSETED MEDIA A NEW INVESTIGATIVE LGBTQIA+ FOCUSSED NEWS PUBLICATION. WORDS SAM DONNDELINGER IMAGE JUSTIN WEE FOR UNCLOSETED MEDIA On a hazy morning in April 2022, Daniel-José Cyan opens his deserted fridge to find a single piece of mouldy mozzarella cheese.
He holds it up to the light and, knowing he has to eat something, goes against his better judgment and takes a bite. “I would go a long time without eating because I thought it would help me lose weight.
And then I had to eat at some point because I wasn’t physically well,” Cyan, a 27-year-old living in the Bronx, told Uncloseted Media. “Even looking in the fridge can cause me to shut down.” Cyan, who wound up getting food poisoning from eating the cheese, struggles with an eating disorder.