Tony Vedda North Texas LGBTQ Chamber president serving on ACCE Board for a 2nd time FROM STAFF REPORTS Tony Vedda, CCE, IOM, president of the North Texas LGBT Chamber of Commerce, was elected Tuesday afternoon, July 16, to serve on the board of directors for the Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives, an Alexandria, Va.-based association of more than 9,000 professionals who work for and with more than 1,300 chambers of commerce.
Members of ACCE’s board of directors represent more than 50 organizations, including many of the world’s largest and most influential regional chambers of commerce.
Sheree Anne Kelly, ACCE president and CEO, said, “We are pleased to welcome Tony to the ACCE Board of Directors. His expertise and leadership will be invaluable as we continue to optimize our industry’s opportunities and leverage the ever-growing momentum for innovation, catalytic leadership and economic vitality within our communities.” Vedda was recently recognized by the Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives for his 25 years of service to the chamber industry.
He is a graduate of the U.S. Chamber’s Institute for Organization Management (IOM). And is the only LGBTQ chamber leader to receive the certified chamber executive (CCE) designation from the Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives.