Being offended Hello Uglies. I kinda feel that is the perfect way for me to start this article. Did any of you get offended by being called ugly?
Some of you may know where that is from, but let’s just say it is a term of endearment in some circles. If you were offended by being called ugly, go ahead and stop reading now; this may be triggering for you sensitive souls.
A few weeks ago, I got an email sent to my email account. It had been there for a while because I don’t check it often.
The anonymous email basically said that I had offended them at one of my shows. They mentioned a random night at J.R.’s when a guy yelled out to me, after I jokingly said that I had a horrible childhood, “Were you molested?” Without missing a beat, I said, “Luckily no, I was an ugly child.” I also joked that I had once had sex with a 15-year-old, but I was 14 at the time.