David Taffet says, due to Parkinson’s Disease, he sometimes has trouble getting the words in his brain to come out of his mouth Learning to take pills on an empty stomach has been my biggest challenge in treating the disease DAVID TAFFET | Senior Staff Writer taffet@dallasvoice.com Today is a good day.
The toothpaste ended up on the toothbrush and not on the floor, and I got my pants on without leaning against the wall. Dallas Voice Publisher Leo Cusimano was the first to notice how I was walking — slowly, stiffly and stooped over, without swinging my arms.
After he pointed it out last summer, I noticed that, in addition to those signs, I was curling my hands inward. Then I began to notice several other things: I was using my right hand — and I do nothing right-handed.
I noticed a tremor in my left hand. Balance was a problem at times. I was even having some speech issues. So I made an appointment with my doctor at the time, who brushed off the symptoms I listed for him.