Waggoner is a legal powerhouse in America’s conservative Christian landscape and is used to getting her way in the courtroom. THIS ARTICLE FIRST APPEARED ON UNCLOSETED MEDIA A NEW INVESTIGATIVE LGBTQIA+ FOCUSSED NEWS PUBLICATION WORDS TOM SAYERS ADDITIONAL REPORTING SPENCER MACNAUGHTON AND SAM DONNDELINGER In 2008, Lucas Wilson moved to Lynchburg, VA to attend Liberty University for an evangelical education.
Wilson knew he was gay from the age of four. But as he got closer to religion, he remembers being taught that his queerness was something to fix.
He says his time at Liberty University – the world’s largest evangelical college, which asks students to sign an honour code that prohibits any expression of LGBTQIA+ identity – was awful. “Honest to goodness, I don’t think I’ve met such mean-spirited, nasty, nasty people in my life,” he told Uncloseted Media.
In 2021, nine years after Wilson graduated from Liberty, he joined a lawsuit alongside 39 other queer and trans-identifying plaintiffs who also attended religious colleges.