Attempted murder is no laughing matter, and the memes regarding the assassination attempt aren’t funny Almost as soon as the footage of Trump being wounded hit the internet, the avalanche of memes started — some almost clever, most tasteless and some downright cruel.
I responded to a few friends who sent me what they thought I would find humorous. In truth, I find none of them funny. Attempted murder is not a laughing matter, and the fact that so many people find it good fodder for jokes speaks volumes about the sad state of political discourse in our country and about our country in general.
The motives of the shooter, who was actually a registered Republican, may never be known, but the effects of his act will resonate with us for a long time.
Donald Trump, convicted felon and cult-like leader of the GOP, has long tried to frame himself as a martyr. After the shooting, he could march into the Republican convention as a wounded hero.