The People’s Joker is headed to the UK and Ireland. Billed as an “illegal comic-book movie,” the coming-of-age dark comedy follows an “unconfident trans girl” (Vera Drew) who moves to Gotham City to pursue a career in comedy by joining the cast of UCB Live, “a government-sanctioned late-night sketch show in a world where comedy has been outlawed.” The synopsis adds: “As mainstream success eludes our heroine, leading her to unite with a ragtag team of rejects, misfits, and a certain love interest named Mister J, “Joker the Harlequin” is born again as a confident (and psychotic) joker on a collision course with the city’s fascist-caped crusader.” Over the last few years, The People’s Joker has faced its fair share of roadblocks.
After its world premiere at the 2022 Toronto International Film Festival, additional screenings were pulled from the event lineup due to “rights issues.” Fortunately, the initial pushback didn’t stop the film from reaching the masses.
In 2023, The People’s Joker was screened at the Outfest Film Festival. It also received a US theatrical release in April 2024.
Now it looks like the unofficial parody – directed and co-written by Drew – is making its way to the UK and Ireland courtesy of Matchbox Cine.