The trailer for Laverne Cox’s new LGBTQIA+ series Clean Slate has arrived. Premiere on 6 February on Prime Video, the show follows Desiree Slate (Cox), an out and proud trans woman who returns home to Mobile, Alabama, to reconnect with her estranged father, Harry (George Wallace).
The synopsis adds: “Desiree works to repair the fraught relationship with her father, navigating their relationship while contending with vastly different points of view as roommates.
They find themselves facing all of the hilarious coming-of-age milestones they missed out on the first time around.” In addition to Cox and Wallace, the series stars D.K.
Uzoukwu as Desiree’s childhood best friend and closeted choir director, Louis; Jay Wilkison as Mack, her dad’s car wash employee; and Norah Murphy as Mack’s 10-year-old daughter.