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The Biden campaign trolls Ron “Don’t Say Gay” DeSantis in the best way possible

Donald Trump in Florida. It was reportedly to talk about how DeSantis might support Trump’s re-election bid. It was apparently their first face-to-face meeting since DeSantis suspended his campaign in late January.Whilst campaigning, DeSantis spoke out over how Donald Trump will praise anyone who—metaphorically—kisses his ring, regardless of their aptitude.

Rafael L. Silva’s road trip tease, a sugar daddy comedy & all the can’t-miss LGBTQ+ releases this week

Need a boost to get over Hump Day? The Hot Sheet is Queerty’s midweek pop culture catch-up, highlighting the entertainment stories everyone’s talking about, the ones you might’ve missed, and the notable LGBTQ+ film & TV releases in the days ahead. Here’s everything you need to stay in-the-know:Subscribe to our newsletter for your front-row seat to all things entertainment with a sprinkle of everything else queer.A DROP IN RATINGS: GLAAD just released its annual “Where We Are On TV” report, tracking LGBTQ+ representation and inclusivity on the small screen, which points out the sobering fact that 36% of the queer roles on television are from show’s that have ended or been canceled. Is there any hope for TV? [GLAAD]TO TWINK OR NOT TO TWINK?: Erotic tennis drama Challengers is the talk of Twitter, but all the thirst for bromantic stars Josh O’Connor and Mike Faist has stirred up an interesting question: Are they twinks, or are we guilty of “mistwinkifying”? [INTO]FREAKY FRIDAY: SiriusXM host & hunk John Hill has gone country with his latest single, “Church On Sunday.” But don’t let that title fool you: The raunchy track is all about getting the sinning out of the way 48 hours before the holiest day of the week.GOLDEN GIRLS: The 2024 Tony Award nominations are here—and they’re very, very gay.

Billie Eilish announces Dublin dates as part of 2025 world tour

Billie Eilish has announced a worldwide tour in honour of her upcoming album and fans are thrilled that the European leg includes Ireland dates in July 2025. The arena tour was named after Billie’s new record, Hit Me Hard and Soft, which was co-written with her brother Finneas O’Connell.

Kristi Noem struggles to control the narrative in animal-killing controversy as the body count keeps rising

Donald Trump in an attempt to be picked as his #2 in the 2024 presidential election, Kristi Noem has managed to kill whatever chances she in just a five day period.“She was already unlikely to be picked as VP but had a shot,” a Trump insider told the New York Post this week. “After this, it’s just impossible.”“Trump isn’t a dog person necessarily, but I think he understands that you can’t choose a puppy killer as your pick, for blatantly obvious reasons.”Stay woke with our briefing while staying informed on all things LGBTQ+ entertainment, life, and more!In case you haven’t heard, in her new book, South Dakota’s gay-hating governor shares in graphic detail the way she took her 14-month-old puppy, a female German wire-haired pointer named Cricket, who Noem describes as “less than worthless” and says she “hated,” to a gravel pit and shot her in the head for being too rambunctious.

Kristi Noem struggles to control the narrative in animal-killing controversy as the body count keeps rising

Donald Trump in an attempt to be picked as his #2 in the 2024 presidential election, Kristi Noem has managed to kill whatever chances she in just a five day period.“She was already unlikely to be picked as VP but had a shot,” a Trump insider told the New York Post this week. “After this, it’s just impossible.”“Trump isn’t a dog person necessarily, but I think he understands that you can’t choose a puppy killer as your pick, for blatantly obvious reasons.”Stay woke with our briefing while staying informed on all things LGBTQ+ entertainment, life, and more!In case you haven’t heard, in her new book, South Dakota’s gay-hating governor shares in graphic detail the way she took her 14-month-old puppy, a female German wire-haired pointer named Cricket, who Noem describes as “less than worthless” and says she “hated,” to a gravel pit and shot her in the head for being too rambunctious.

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