intet42—fackjoley—DrunkenJarJar—cwo—Disappearingpoet"At first he didn't believe me because according to him I 'don't look gay.' After convincing him that I'm serious, big macho fad started crying.
I expected anger or disgust, but he just cried. I crushed his dreams of me having a family of my own husband and kids. He said, 'I just wanted you to get married and have kids.' I said I can still do all those things.
He said, 'Yeah... but not the normal way.' He's right. I guess it's not the normal way. His reaction had little to do with my sexuality, and everything to do with this vision he had for me and my future.
Anyway, we talked a week later and he said he'll love and support me no matter what. I knew this already, but it was nice to hear."—Maisie87—abhikavi—punkterminator—swatt94—Torsomu"My mom and I watched funny videos on my computer one day.