posted to the r/lgbt subreddit recently, that user sent Mom a viral clip of YouTuber iDubbbz saying “I’m gay!”Mom texts back, “Haha that’s a funny video.”“No but like I’m actually gay,” the Redditor replies.“Didn’t u already tell me this,” Mom asks.“No???” the flummoxed Redditor responds.Other Reddit users hit the comments of the thread to say that they once lived in a glass closet, too.“When I told my family, they were like, ‘Yeah, no sh*t.
We just wanted to wait till you came out to us,’” one recalled. “They were not miffed I was LGBTQ, they were mad I told my friends and stuff before them, lol.”Another commenter wrote, “When I came out, I was so eager to tell people.
The first six (six!) individuals I told were all like, ‘Yeah, I know.’ It really took the wind out of my newly-proud sails.”“This is cringe and adorable.
Props to dad!”A third person related the story of the time they came out to their amusingly-confused grandmother: “I told my grandma I was trans, and she said, ‘Yeah, I figured,’ followed immediately by ‘Well, I was wondering which one of my grandkids was gonna be some kind of gay.’”And a parent chimed in on the thread, too, sharing a wholesome story with a twist ending.“When my son came out, he was super surprised when I said, ‘Makes sense, did you mow the lawn?’ He was sure it was as much of a revelation to us as it was to him, but man, I raised this kid.