Lady Gaga is NOT only for the gays, apparently.Mother Monster has always resonated with the LGBTQ+ community, inspiring queer people across generations to master her tight choreography, embrace their inner “Born This Way,” and put their paws up.However, it seems Gaga’s newest fans aren’t here for a journey to Chromatica.
They’re at the gym, chugging whey protein, and trying to get their pump on. Bruh.That’s right! The latest trend on #GymTok –– a.k.a.
the online space where straight dudes show off their muscle gains, workout routines, and achievements –– is powerlifting to Lady Gaga.The gay community has been harnessing the empowering aura of Ms.
Germanotta since “Just Dance” dropped back in 2008. Where have y’all been?It’s no secret that gays have historically been the gatekeepers of what qualifies as “pop music perfection.” Why else would a Carly Rae Jepsen concert have an entirely male audience?Still, it’s peculiar that a subgroup of heterosexual guys are just now discovering the magic of Gaga.