Donald Trump has targeted transgender rights since returning to office on January 20.He has signed executive orders saying the U.S.
government would recognize only two sexes—male and female—and another directing a revision of the Pentagon's policy on transgender troops.
On Tuesday, he signed an executive order aimed at cutting federal support for gender transitions for people under age 19.The Education Department's Office for Civil Rights (OCR) initiated the investigation after a local news station's report about the all-gender bathroom, according to a letter from Craig Trainor, the department's acting assistant secretary for civil rights, to DPS Superintendent Alex Marrero."As a result, East High School now has an exclusive restroom for male students and no restroom for female students on its second floor," Trainor wrote.He said the department was also looking into reports of all-gender restrooms in other Denver schools."OCR's directed investigation will examine whether the district discriminates against students on the basis of sex by installing multi-stall all-gender restrooms in district school facilities, in violation of Title IX and its implementing regulations," Trainor wrote.DPS told Newsweek in a statement that the all-gender bathroom at East High School was converted as a result of a student-led process and is designed with 12-foot-tall partitions for privacy and security.
The school also has restrooms designated for male and female students, the statement said.The Education Department's Craig Trainor said in a statement: "The alarming report that the Denver Public Schools District denied female students a restroom comparable with their male counterparts appears to directly violate the civil rights of the district's female students."Let me be clear: It is a new day in America, and under President Trump, OCR will not tolerate discrimination of any kind.