Two artists’ story of activism and community through the Verasphere comes alive in NuReality Productions’ documentary The Unabridged Mrs.
Vera’s Daybook. Directed by Robert James, the film centers on San Francisco artists David Faulk and Michael Johnstone and their creative expression in fighting AIDS, standing up to politics and simple representation.
The film will be availabe via video-on-demand (VOD) Aug. 1. From NuReality: The Unabridged Mrs. Vera’s Daybook tells the brilliant story of historic activism, love, and community art through the works of David Faulk and Michael Johnstone, who also happen to be long-term AIDS survivors and extraordinary activists who were instrumental in ACT UP and the NAMES Project (culminating in the March On Washington/installation of Aids Quilt in Washington, D.C.).
During one of the darkest periods in US History, two men decide to bring all the joy and color to a broken community for which an entire movement has emerged.