posted the clip to TikTok, where it received 84,000 likes. In the video, Bennie and her wife sing along to live music while in the background, her mother-in-law looks at the couple with admiration.Bennie spoke to Newsweek about what it meant to capture her mother-in-law's unexpected reaction, and how it speaks to their close relationship."I was taking a cute video of my wife and I while out with her parents and the next day I rewatched it and caught my mother-in-law looking at us adoringly," Bennie captioned the video. "I'm crying.
I love double dates with my in laws."Bennie told Newsweek that the night out marked a special occasion for the family."This was our first time seeing my in-laws since the wedding," she said. "My in-laws had actually planned that double date so that we could recap just how amazing our big day was."The family gathered for food and live music, where Bennie decided to capture the moment on her phone."It was heartwarming to have captured her in the moment," she said. "So genuine and raw."But Bennie explained that her mother-in-law's affectionate reaction was far from surprising: "My mother-in-law is someone who moves through the world with so much love," she said. "I know that she was happy to see that her daughter has someone that loves her just as much as she does."The pair share a close bond, having connected early in their relationship over a shared love of tennis.
Bennie said she has always been easy to talk to, and the pair text daily whether in the family group chat or on a call catching up about recipes and TV shows.I’m crying.