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I Kissed a Boy: BBC Three announces ‘loud and proud’ reunion special

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BBC has confirmed that a reunion special for I Kissed a Boy is in the works. According to a press release, the one-off studio special will see host Dannii Minogue get “the latest goss from the boys” including their “love lives, newfound fame and any lingering chemistry”.

Additionally, the episode will celebrate the Masseria’s “greatest moments, deep dive into the drama and lead the boys through outrageously funny party games.

It’s loud and it’s proud. Strap in for I Kissed A Boy: The Reunion.” The final two episodes of I Kissed a Boy will air 4 June on BBC iPlayer.

Narrated by Bad Education star Layton Williams, the eight-episode series follows 10 singletons who are paired up – “with help from the IKAB Matching team” – and upon first meeting, share a kiss. “No small talk.

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