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Jacksonville Shooter Hated Black People, Killed 3 + RIVERDALE Foursome Generates Backlash + Raven Asks Whoopi If She's A Stud + RIP Arleen Sorkin, Harley Quinn Voice & Inspiration + MORE — 6-PACK

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This creative director understands life. (Image via Charlie by MZ) ABOVE: And the call him, Charlie ... by MZ. BELOW: Keep reading for Jacksonville shooter was racially motivated, Riverdale foursome generates controversy, Raven asks Whoopi THE QUESTION and more ...

HUFF POST: Jacksonville, Florida, shooter Ryan Christopher Palmeter — who killed with a firearm decorated with Nazi imagery — was hunting for Black people.

He killed three. TMZ: A group is pissed off because the finale of Riverdale revealed Archie, Betty, Jughead and Veronica have been in a foursome all along.

Like, WTF was this show?! How did the rights holders go along with all this LOL?! OMG.BLOG: Raven pressed Whoopi on her lesbian vibe.

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