The Comings & Goings column is about sharing the professional successes of our community. We want to recognize those landing new jobs, new clients for their business, joining boards of organizations and other achievements.
Please share your successes with us at [email protected]. The Comings & Goings column also invites LGBTQ+ college students to share their successes with us.
If you have been elected to a student government position, gotten an exciting internship, or are graduating and beginning your career with a great job, let us know so we can share your success.
Congratulations to Brett Ries honored by the National LGBTQ+ Bar Association, winning their Michael Greenberg Student Writing Competition for his soon-to-be-published article, “Don’t Be a Drag: How Drag Bans Can Violate the First Amendment.” Ries said, “I am honored to be the winner of this competition, and to have increasing visibility for queer people in the political and legal fields.” Washington, D.C.