pic.twitter.com/pSsGy3MxyZHis post is light, fun and cheeky… much like Troye Sivan’s “gay” morning pill ritual. Jacob is a gay man on holiday, and thanks to the wonders of modern medicine, he can enjoy the local cuisine without worrying about contracting a deadly virus.
Or he’s just being a normal, responsible person and taking a preventative drug in which the benefits are immense and the risks are basically non-existent.
Either way, it sounds like a pretty good deal!“Thank you for being so responsible, whilst having yourself an amazing time,” somebody replied.But shockingly, positive sentiments weren’t universal.
Some dunderheads, seemingly of a younger and evidently far more ignorant demographic who aren’t old enough to remember when HuffPost contributor David Duran coined the term “Truvada Whore” more than a decade ago, implied that PrEP perpetrates homophobia. “Thats [sic] why society will never overcome the legacy of gay shame…,” added a user ironically named “Pump Boy.”“It is great to protect oneself from HIV but to be irresponsible and give a sh*t about STDs and being on antibiotics all the time,” another person added. “This trend should be changed.”Some good news, finally.That “trend” appears to be sexually active gay men taking PrEP, which is a crazy thing to oppose considering the global impact the drug has had on lowering HIV transmission over the last decade or so.The CDC’s latest statistics say about 30% of the 1.2 million people who could benefit from PrEP are prescribed it.