recent thead on Reddit’s AskGayMen forum about users’ real-life “porn-like sexual experiences” definitely got XXX-rated. More than a dozen commenters added their smutty stories to the conversation, and we’ve excerpted several of those tales below, edited for brevity, readability, and Queerty publish-ability! (“Next time somebody complains to me that porn is unrealistic, I’m showing them this thread,” one Reddit user wrote.)Check out all the wild stories below:“I was working as a (nude) model for a community life drawing group.
A male couple in the class approached me on my break and asked if I wanted to come over to their apartment afterward. I did and ended up having a threesome with them.”“One time on the train home, I randomly made eye contact with this guy.
Blond, built like a tank. Next thing you know, he gives me the look. I nod yes. He follows me back to my place.”“Me and my boyfriend were having a picnic during an evening in October, and we ended up barebacking under a really bright sunset.
We were in the middle of nowhere and super horny, so me and him ended up [having sex] on the hood of our car.”Ah, young love.“I mean… I’ve had sex with several porn ‘stars’ over the years, if that counts.