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Japan’s first gay dating show, Bob The Drag Queen gets traitorous & all the new LGBTQ+ releases this week

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Need a boost to get over Hump Day? The Hot Sheet is Queerty’s midweek pop culture catch-up, highlighting the entertainment stories everyone’s talking about, the ones you might’ve missed, and the notable LGBTQ+ film & TV releases in the days ahead. Here’s everything you need to stay in-the-know:Subscribe to our newsletter for your front-row seat to all things entertainment with a sprinkle of everything else queer.FAITHFUL VIEWERS: The Traitors has announced its gag-worthy new cast, and it’s going to be a season of queers, villains, and… Zac Efron‘s hot brother Dylan.

Repping for the gays will be Bob The Drag Queen, Chrishell Stause, “the first member of the royal family to ever get gay married” & more. [Vulture]HAPPY LITTLE PILLS: While Troye Sivan embarks on his ultra-horny world tour, a viral X thread is breaking down the pop star’s morning pill ritual that “keeps [him] gay.” [Queerty]SUMMER LOVIN’: Netflix has shared a first look at The Boyfriend, a groundbreaking Japanese reality show that will be the country’s first series to center on gay romance.

But, unlike American reality TV’s penchant for drama, this one seems to focus entirely on charming crushes, good vibes, and genuine human connection.GETTING REAL: In a vulnerable social post, bisexual singer-songwriter Halsey alluded to the fact that she’s been undergoing treatment for Lupus and Leukemia, while also teasing an emotional new album. [Instagram]MAKES YOU TWINK: A particularly eye-catching gif of Jonathan Bailey in Fellow Travelers has been making its way around the internet, once again drudging up the age old question: Does anyone actually know what a “twink” is? [INTO]HOW THE WEST WAS FABULOUS: The iconography of the American West is rife with cowboys and traditionally masculine bravado, but its real history is much less “straight” and narrow.

The iconic Niecy Nash-Betts hosts the new Audible series Queer West, all about how the West was won..

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