Elska is a project centered on traveling around the world, meeting some everyday local gay guys, and introducing their city to our readers through honest photography and personal stories.
It’s a tough job, but someone’s gotta do it! The latest issue documents a trip to Singapore.Below, photographer Liam Campbell shares exclusively with GayCities a selection of photos along with a bit of behind-the-scenes commentary about each.‘Elska Singapore’ is the 39th edition of my project, which so far has seen me travel to various cities on every continent of the world (apart from Antarctica), including seven cities in Asia.
Though, it had been ages since I’d last published anything from that part of the world, due in part to the region’s strict lockdowns.
So within days of announcing that it would finally, after two years, allow foreigners into the country again, I decided that gay Singapore would be the focus of the next Elska.