Madonna. Beyoncé. Liza. Cher. Gaga. Melania?One of these is not like the others, and we’re not only talking about musical talent!
Melania hosted a fundraiser this week for the Log Cabin Republicans, her second in four months. Though the former FLOTUS seldom appears in public, she seems comfortable with the gays… or at least, taking their money at fancy fundraisers.
Stay woke with our briefing while staying informed on all things LGBTQ+ entertainment, life, and more!Despite not endorsing Trump in 2016, the Log Cabin Republicans are now fully behind the criminally convicted ex-president.
The group’s leader, Charles Moran, says he thinks Melania is the key to winning over LGBTQ+ votes. Honey, no…“Mrs. Trump has a long history of supporting efforts around unity and inclusion.