Note: Not all submissions are from Community users.Note: There isn't "one" typical portrayal of someone who identifies as LGBTQ — the spectrum is big.
This post analyzes LGBTQ stereotypes vs. realistic characteristics and experiences.—alexiaelena3—BuzzFeed—redwulfgirl—Lauren Garafano —BuzzFeed—Kayla Harrington—monikaaat—Kayla Yandoli—spenceyprep"They did her SO wrong.
You could really tell that there wasn't anyone trans in the Pretty Little Liars writers room."—wowimgay2020—chshelby—nekkonekkok"I HATED Blue Is the Warmest Colour for exactly that reason — the sex scenes [and characters] were so over-the-top and unrealistic, I completely lost interest."—klanceem—morganelle18Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity..