Kid Rock and Donald Trump weighing in, while multiple videos of an alleged boycott have gone viral.The latest piece of content to go viral online features a picture of a coupon for Bud Light."The Bud Light marketing team must still be all women if they think a coupon will get a man's attention," comedian Ashley St.
Clair wrote on Twitter on Saturday night. Her tweet included a picture of a Bud Light promotional offer giving customers the chance to get $20 back via a rebate.The tweet was viewed 2.1 million times, and received tens of thousands of likes, retweets and comments.St.
Clair a writer at the satirical conservative website The Babylon Bee stood by her joke when she was accused of sexism. When someone replied asking if it's now "feminine to be frugal?" St.
Clair clapped back."Never in my life have I seen a man use a coupon," she said, adding: "They will literally make their own brewery before using a beer coupon."The Bud Light marketing team must still be all women if they think a coupon will get a man’s attention actress and influencer Mulvaney received a Bud Light gift and shared the video online on April 1, 2023.