Gallup information from 2017 put the national estimate of LGBTQ+ adults as low as 4.5% (though the number of Gen Z adults at the time was likely too low to draw conclusion from).The conversation of the exponential rise in LGBTQ+ youth always brings with it accusations of young people simply following a trend.
The common rebuttal for this is a comparison to the rates of left-handed people skyrocketing in the 20th century as being left-handed stopped being forcibly trained out of children over time.
Shockingly, when people start being abused less for having a trait, more of them openly express that trait!Cruz is planning to crawl back for a third term while legislating for two-term senate limits.Homophobes on the right have also noticed the right in LGBTQ+ youth in recent years, and the accompanying rise in left-wing politics among young voters.
Naturally, they’re running scared.Voter “reform” (read: suppression) targeting demographics that lean to the left has been a specific focus of the right as of late, and young people are no exception.In Texas, Rep.