Ayo Edebiri and Murray Bartlett find themselves in the middle of a sinister celebrity cult in the new trailer for Opus. Directed and written by Mark Anthony Green, the A24 film follows Ariel Ecton (Edebiri), a young journalist who gets invited to the mysterious remote compound of Alfred Moretti (John Malkovich), a legendary pop star who has been out of the public eye for 30 years.
The synopsis adds: “Surrounded by the star’s cult of sycophants and intoxicated journalists, she finds herself in the middle of his twisted plan.” On 21 January, A24 treated movie enthusiasts to the first trailer for the filled with terrifying twists and turns.
At the start of the teaser, Ariel (Edebiri) arrives at her desk before a co-worker shares the rumour that Moretti (Malkovich) is making his grand return following a long hiatus. “After 30 years outside the public eye, pop icon Moretti returns for an exclusive listening experience,” a radio announcer explains while various people receiving invitations flash across the screen.
During a staff gathering, Ariel discovers that she’s one of the lucky individuals to go to Moretti’s compound alongside her colleague Stan (Bartlett).