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Gemma Collins shares loved-up holiday snap with fiancé Rami as fans all notice same thing

Gemma Collins has shared an adorable snap of herself with fiancé Rami Hawash, as they looked more loved-up than ever.The 43 year old former TOWIE star took to Instagram to post a photo of herself and Rami in the sea with a beautiful sunset behind them as she planted a kiss on his cheek. She rocked the natural look without a scrap of makeup and her hair in space buns, whilst her man flashed a huge smile. Captioning the snap, Gemma wrote: "Bobbing around in a sea of [love]".

Ivanka is said to be “warming up” to the idea of joining her dad’s campaign again & uuuggghhh

Ivanka Trump is said to be thinking about maybe joining her father’s campaign and, should be win in November, playing a role in his future dictatorship administration again.An unnamed source tells OK! that the former first daughter is “warming to the idea of trying to be helpful again” and “privately not ruling out having some sort of role.”“She’s not like ‘Hell no’ anymore,” the source notes.Stay woke with our briefing while staying informed on all things LGBTQ+ entertainment, life, and more!As you may recall, shortly after her father announced his latest bid for the White House in November 2022, Ivanka issued a statement saying she would be sitting out this campaign.“I love my father very much. This time around, I’m choosing to prioritize my young children and the private life we are creating as a family,” she told Fox News Digital.

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