Clarke D. Newman, OD, FAAOSpecial Contributor I read with great disappointment the “Voices” opinion written by Rabbi Denise Eger in the Jan.
24 edition of Dallas Voice. First, let me welcome Rabbi Eger to Texas, and more importantly, to the LGBTQIA+ community of Texas.
It is great that we have had such a distinguished community advocate move to Texas. I am sure that, in the long run, your presence here will be felt in many positive ways.
With that said, I am very disappointed to read such a wholly uninformed opinion published in the Dallas Voice. Ordinarily, I would not “woodshed” a fellow member of the community in public, but since you chose to air this completely inaccurate characterization of Equality Texas in public, my comments must be made in the same forum in the hope of undoing the damage you have so clearly done to this very valuable organization.