Brick Queens YVR, who has become known for their delightful LEGO recreations of iconic drag queens from all over the world.For over three years, this Drag Race superfan and LEGO hobbyist has been meticulously crafting minifigure versions of iconic queens in some of their most iconic looks from the original U.S.
version of the franchise and beyond.Bricks Queens’ page is a gag for casual and hardcore drag fans alike (for a fun challenge, scroll through the Instagram and see how many you recognize) and has even earned praise from the queens themselves, from Jaida Essence Hall to Jimbo.Whether you like your drag campy, raunchy, heart-warming, or stinky, we’ve got movie recommendations fit for a queen.As the world of Drag Race continues to expand, Brick Queens’ noble mission to create a LEGO figure for every single RuGirl becomes more and more ambitious, but, crucially, they haven’t lost sight of why they began the project in the first place: Because drag is queer joy personified, and it brings them joy to celebrate the artistry these performers put into it, brick by brick.Queerty recently corresponded with Brick Queens over email to learn more about their process, the stories behind some of their proudest creations, and why Canada’s Drag Race will always be their favorite.Read our Q&A with Brick Queens below, and then scroll down further to see a slideshow of a few more of our favorite LEGO drag queen creations.A post shared by Brick Queens YVR (@brickqueensyvr)You’ve said that, as you watch the show, you’re constantly thinking about what looks you can turn into builds, so how do you ultimately decide what and who to recreate?The goal is ultimately to do a figure for every RuGirl (that isn’t a sex offender, racist, or.