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Suspect arrested for vandalizing Harris posters at D.C.’s Little Gay Pub

D.C. police announced on Sept. 23 that they have arrested 38-year-old Washington resident Nicholas Goldstein on two counts of destruction of property for allegedly damaging and spray-painting hostile messages on large posters with photos of Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris that were displayed outside the Little Gay Pub on two occasions.

D.C. candidates attend LGBTQ ‘meet and greet’ event

Close to 100 people turned out on Tuesday night, Sept. 24, at D.C.’s Crush Dance Bar for an LGBTQ “Meet and Greet” event where candidates running in D.C.’s Nov. 5 general election mingled with attendees before speaking briefly about why they were running for public office.

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21.11 / 23:19
Books Entertainment Fire Island Gay Royal Blue carol From bottoming royals to lesbian dime novels: 15 queer book-to-film adaptations
Red, White & Royal Blue to the gory slasher fun of Fear Street.The only pick on this list to get two adaptations, The Color Purple by Alice Walker, inspired the 1985 triumph by Steven Spielberg and an upcoming musical film (itself based on the Broadway adaptation of the book!) directed by Blitz Bazawule. The Color Purple is the story of Celie (Whoopi Goldberg in the 1985 film; Fantasia Barrino in the new adaptation), a Black woman in the early 1900s who endures a life of mistreatment and loss. Celie eventually finds doomed love with Shug (Margaret Avery; Taraji P.

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At, we believe that everyone deserves to be seen, heard, and represented. That's why we're committed to amplifying the voices of those who are often marginalized and overlooked. We feature stories from all corners of the LGBT community, including people of color, transgender individuals, and those from different socioeconomic backgrounds. Keep up to date with the latest news from the Philippines and beyond on Phillipine News

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