ABOVE: Congrats, this photo would definitely have gotten me to watch this movie in 1961. BELOW: Keep reading for a sexy model, Elon Musk's excuse, a right-wing gay who wonders why we can't all just get along and more ...
He raises 2 good points. (Image via selfie) OMG.BLOG!: Model Josh Watson shows all, including a rare balls-only X pic. NYT: Right-wing gay commentator Brad Polumbo thinks both sides of the LGBTQ issue overreach, because of course that is what gay Republicans think — no matter that his side wants to completely strip us of rights, and the other side completely wants freedom for LGBTQ people, to gay Republicans, BOTH SIDES are too extreme.
PINK NEWS: So Elon Musk reportedly claims his soured relationship with his trans daughter Vivian is due to her private school-induced descent into communism.
His entire anti-woke transformation may be due to this schism, meaning the death of the Twitter we all used to love can be chalked up to one seriously mentally ill, narcissistic transphobe being mad at his progeny.